You want to succeed in business plunge duck farm? Success Dewa Gede Putra Darmada embraced this might be one of your inspiration. Everyone else seems to be able to do because the capital is very minimal and can lead you into a successful breeder ducks.Dewa
Gede Putra is Darmada, youth born in Gianyar, Bali 21 September 1984
are to start a business raising ducks (Bali) since 2009 and has now
managed to reap the success. Dewa
Gede Dewo close calls, say, to be successful this business is not
difficult, the important thing he said a breeder should be happy with
the first duck that has a sense of belonging to a flag with the name of
his business bebek.Sesuai god Duwe meaning God Had Duck Duck, Dewo managed to become a supplier of duck pieces in the Gianyar Bali andsurroundings. Their business just starting capital of Rp 50,000 only."From
the beginning I was happy with the duck, I'm always happy to see the
ducks," said Dewo to detikFinance some time lalu.Dewo who do have a
family pet cutting effort, initially just a fad to buy 10 ducks puppies
for Rp 30,000, and he also buy concentrate for Rp 20,000 to feed.Unexpected
result, pet duck growth rapidly, within 2 months he managed to harvest
the results of his labors for USD 500.000.Semenjak it was, he was more
eager to play the money, which eventually led him to become the supplier
of 1200 ducks per month in Bali with turnover tens of millions per month."Margin dibisnis can harvest ducks once many times," said Dewo which is one of the participant's entrepreneurial Self.He now has 4 pieces each cage with size 4 × 6 meters, where each cage can accommodate 500 ducks. Every two weeks he brought the seeds of Badung Bali, so that he could do the duck harvest once every week.For
matters of the cage, Dewo have tips for those who want to start a
business duck, which usahan put a small pool in the area of the cage
for the purpose of duck bath every day.This is important so that the condition can be kept clean ducks and odorless. Regarding odor, surefire tips Dewo also had the duck cage so as not to disturb the neighbors next door.Condition every morning and afternoon feeding, she mixes papaya sufficiently so dirt duck odorless. Papaya
leaves are also nutritious making duck meat will be more tender when
cooked, although he warned the portions given sufficient because papaya
leaves have a bitter taste is high.Regarding feed the ducks, so far he only rely on duck feeding of food scraps rice restaurant around him that he got for free. In
addition, there should be the most important vegetable mixture can be
obtained from the remains of the market plus mixed gedebong (stem)
dicacak banana that has been boiled."Based on my experience, the duck poultry disease resistance, fed whatever you like. The mortality rate was well below 10%, "he said.To
keep the health of ducks against duck diseases that often afflict such
as flu, Dewo also has powerful tips to treat the ducks from the flu is
to give the batter mix noni leaf duck feed."By my count the cost of production for one to harvest ducks including employees only Rp 14,000," he added.He
also said that raising ducks so tempting, especially in Bali many
people who still breed only odd duck who just sold to collectors. Meanwhile,
he developed the concept of raising ducks is not totally off the duck,
but grounded in large numbers so that the growth rate is very fast."If I directly marketed to consumers such as restaurants, pecel catfish, restaurants, clergy and others," said Dewo.Even the word Dewo, when compared to raise chickens, in terms of price, ducks likely never go down the price is pretty good. Currently
it sells duck varied, for example duck under 1 kg with the age of one
month specifically for catfish sold pecel Rp 25000-30000 per head, aged 2
months sold Rp 35,000, most of which was sold to Rp 60,000 per head for
ages 3 monthsup."Frankly, I am now overwhelmed to serve the request, in the Ubud area only demand 1000 birds per day. I can only supply 100, "said the young graduate S-1 Ranch Campus Marwa god.Through tenacity and seriousness, he is now enjoying a growing business. At
least she has self-built cage worth $ 14 million in his yard, even Dewo
already have a pick-up vehicle itself to sustain its operations.In essence he said cattle business is not difficult, if there is a will certainly be successful. For business capital, he has proven that starting a business is not merely to spend thick."With food waste, we produce high production. Raising not always wear a big budget, "said the young entrepreneur business Mandiri has 6 employees.The market potential duck thinks it is not only in Bali, in many regions, including in Java, there are always opportunities. Demand for the duck dish especially for restaurants continue to rise.Especially
for Bali, duck is also used for food in restaurants, duck goose is
often used as a substitute for the purposes of worship the Hindu priest.
Especially the white duck, which symbolizes the sanctity associated with the god Brahma.
Kamis, 22 November 2012
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