Senin, 27 Januari 2014
Minggu, 05 Januari 2014
Dapatkan $4 Tiap Hari Dari Probux
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb..
Kali ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman Berbisnis Online PTC (Paid To Click) dari Probux. Cara Paling Mudah Menghasilkan $4 Dollar Per hari dari PTC ProBux tanpa mengeluarkan biaya sedikitpun tapi memang harus sabar.
Akan akau ceritakan pengalamanku mulai dari pertama, Pertama-tama Saya uraikan penjelasan beserta keuntungannya menjadi member free di ProBux
ProBux setiap harinya menyediakan 20 jenis iklan untuk di klik dengan kategori jumlah pembayaran yang berbeda-beda, dengan rincian:
Di Probux, anda akan dibayar $0.001 – $0.01 setiap klik iklan, setiap harinya anda akan diberi sedikitnya 15 – 30 iklan, anda hanya menyisihkan waktu sekitar 1 – 2 jam untuk mengerjakannya. Karena pada saat bergabung status keanggotaan anda adalah member standar / gratisan, anda bisa meng-upgrade status keanggotaan anda menjadi berbayar, bayaran per klik iklan pun lebih tinggi dari pada member standar / gratisan dan jumlah iklan yang harus diklik pun lebih banyak setiap harinya. Tapi untuk anda yang baru mau terjun ke bisnis ini saya sarankan jangan dulu meng-upgrade status keanggotaan anda, anda akumulasikan dulu pendapatan anda dari klik iklan di member standar seperti saya, setelah mencapai nilai untuk meng-upgrade baru anda upgrade status keanggotaan anda menjadi berbayar.
Anda juga bisa menggunakan referral atau downline untuk membantu anda dalam menjalankan bisnis ini dengan cara membuat Blog seperti saya ataupun mengajak teman langsung baik tatap muka maupun lewat jejaring sosial tentunya dengan memberikan link referal (link yang kita dapatkan dari Probux). Seperti halnya PTC-PTC lain yang sudah lama berdiri, Probux juga memberikan dua jenis referral. Yang pertama adalah direct referral atau referral yang bergabung atas rekomendasi anda secara langsung (offline) atau mereka yang bergabung di bisnis ini dari link anda (online) yang anda promosikan di internet. Sedangkan yang kedua adalah referral sewaan, seperti halnya PTC-PTC yang lain, anda bisa menyewa referral ini dengan harga yang telah ditetapkan, $0.60 untuk 3 sewa referal dengan masa aktifnya 30.
Dari penjelasan diatas, akan aku jelaskan cara mendapatkan $4 perhari tanpa biaya sedikitpun. Pertama Daftar Probux dulu disini
kemudian klik semua iklan yang ada, total kita bisa dapatkan $0.056 tiap hari
Jadi… $0.056 x 14 (2 minggu) = $0.784
Seperti yang Saya jelaskan tadi bahwa anda bisa menyewa referal dengan $0.6. Sewalah referal tersebut dengan uang yang kita peroleh selama 2 minggu tersebut. Setelah itu anda kan mendapat bantuan tiap hari sebesar $0.02 untuk 1 referal, total kita dapat $0.06.
Penghasilan dari referal = $0.02 perhari x 3referal x 5 hari = $0.3
Penghasilan Anda = $0.056 x 5 hari = $0.28
Total = $0.184 (sisa penghasilan) + $0.3 + $0.28 = $0.76
Dengan begitu Anda bisa menyewa lagi sebanyak 3 referal, Intinya Kita harus teliti untuk melihat stastistik referal, jika kita mendapat sewa referal dengan minim penghasilan (tidak klik iklan) maka jangan perpanjang sewanya. Intinya aku jelaskan seingat pengalamanku
Dalam 1 bulan pertama = Mendapat 9 referal sewaan dan 2 direct referal (Saya dapat direct referal dengan susah payah dengan menjatuhkan harga diri untuk mengajak teman teman saya sampai mau.. hehehe J)
Bulan kedua = Mendapat 22 referal sewaan 2 direct referal
Bulan ketiga = Mendapat 42 referal sewaan 3 direct referal
Bulan keempat = Mendapat 55 referal sewaan 3 direct referal
Bulan kelima = Mendapat 74 referal sewaan 3 direct referal
Bulan keenam = Mendapat 96 referal sewaan 4 direct referal
Dari situ Total Saya mendapatkan 100 Referal yang bisa menghasilkan $2-4 tiap hari berbekal kesabaran dan Ketekunan selama 6 bulan (kenapa $2-$4? Karena klik referal bisa naik turun tiap hari).
Total yang bisa saya dapatkan perbulan (kita ambil yang terkecil)
Penghasilan Kotor = $2 x 30 hari = $60
Sewa Referal 30 hari kedepan = $0.2 x 100 referal = $20
Penghasilan bersih = $60 – $20 = $40
Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan yang lebih besar dari itu Upgrade Account anda menjadi premium dengan $100 pertahun, dan dapatkan klik iklan dengan harga $0.005-$0,05 dan $0.05 per klik referal
Bagaimana Berminat dengan cara yang saya lakukan. Buruan Gabung disini dan dapatkan $4 tiap hari setelah susah payah selama 6 bulan.
Kamis, 24 Januari 2013
Merebaknya penyakit flu burung pada ayam membuat para peternak ayam semakin resah. Seperti kita ketahui, perkembangan dan penyebaran penyakit pada ayam dari waktu ke waktu semakin kompleks dan meluas. Bahkan beberapa peternak tidak tahu mengenali penyakit flu burung atau bukan. Salah satu penyakit pada ayam yang menyerang saluran pernafasan yang cukup membahayakan dan mempunyai tingkat penularan tinggi adalah flu burung atau avian influenza(AI). Penyakit ini disebabkan virus yang diklasifikasikan ke dalam orthomyxoviruses yang memiliki tiga tipe, yaitu tipe A, B, dan C. Penyakit ini menyebabkan banyak kerugian pada usaha peternakan unggas, termasuk peternakan ayam. Untuk memastikan apakah ayam terkena flu burung, ada baiknya perhatikan gejala yang tampak. Gejala klinis yang tampak jelas, yaitu ayam mengalami gejala demam dan depresi yang hebat. Bulu disekitar belakang leher dan punggung berdiri.selain itu, terlihat jelas gejala di bagian tubuh yang tida berbulu seperti muka secara umum dan kaki, muka ayam tampak pucat, jengger, dan pial terjadi pendarahan di bawah kulit (subcutaneous) yang berat, mengeluarkan lendir dari rongga hidung dan mulut.
Serangan akut menunjukkan gejala adanya gangguan pernapasan seperti batuk, bersin, dan terjadi peradangan pada rongga hidung (sinusitis) yang hebat. Selain itu, muncul gejala lain seperti mata berair, badan lemah, produksi telur menurun drastis, diare, terjadi pembengkakan (edema) di bagian kepala dan muka, serta ayam tampak gelisah (nervous).
Hingga kini, belum ada obat yang efektif mengatasi penyakit AI. Meski demikian, penyakit ini bisa dicegah dengan melakukan vaksinasi secara berkala, melaksanakan program biosekuriti, mengisolasi peternakan yang terkena AI, memusnahkan semua ayam yang terinfeksi, melarang keluar masuk peralatan, orang, dan kendaraan ke daerah yang terserang AI, melakukan program penyemprotan insektisida berspektrum luar dan program pemusnahan tikus, melakukan pembersihan kandang dan peralatan kandang, melakukan pencucian kandang dengan larutan deterjen, serta melakukan desinfeksi secara rutin dan berkala.
2.1 Cara Pencegahan Flu Burung pada Ayam
Flu burung dapat dicegah untuk melindungi unggas dengan mengikuti cara-cara sebagai berikut: masukan unggas kedalam kandang, jangan biarkan berkeliaran, kandangkan masing-masing unggas dalam kandang yang berbeda, beli ayam atau itik atau unggas muda yang sehat dan pisahkan unggas yanag baru dibeli setidaknya selama dua minggu, jika unggas terlihat sakit, segera pisahkan dari yang lainya, cuci tangan dengan sabun setelah kontak dengan unggas, transportasikan unggas yang sehat, bersihkan halaman di sekitar kandang setiap hari dengan cara membuang kotoran unggas maupun bulunya dengan cara dibakar atau dikuburkan, cuci dan bersihkan peralatan yang dipakai di peternakan dengan disinfektan seminggu sekali, siapaun yang masuk ke halaman peternakan cuci sepatu dengan air bersabun saat memasuki gerbang, beri pakan yang menyehatakan dan air bersih pada unggas, juga beri vaksin unggas yang sehat jika memungkinkan untuk mencegah berjangkitnya virus flu burung.
Kotoran dari burung atau unggas yang terinfeksi dapat membawa virus flu burung, jadi sebaiknya jangan menyentuh burung, unggas atau kotorannya. Bila anda telah memegang burung atau unggas, segara cuci tangan dengan sabun cair dan air. Masak dengan benar unggas dan telurnya sebelum dimakan/dihidangkan. Bila anda mengalami gejala flu, konsultasi ke dokter dan memakai masker untuk menghindari penyebaran penyakit. Perlindungan terbaik terhadap influenza adalah dengan memiliki pertahanan tubuh yang baik. Hal ini dapat dilakuka dengan diet yang seimbang, olahraga yang teratur, istirahat yang cukup, kurangi stress, dan tidak merokok. Hindari tempat umum padat yang bersirkulasi udara buruk
Bila anda mengalami gejala demam dan pernafasan setelah kembali dari negara yang dilaporkan burung, konsultasi ke dokter.
2.1.1 Langkah-Langkah Bila Unggas Mati Mendadak.
Bila unggas peliharaan kita tapa ada gejala seketika mati mendadak,hal itu perlu diambil langkah-langkah sebagai berikut laporkan kepada aparat berwenang ada wabah flu terutama ke Dinas Peternakan atau ke dinas kesehatan, jangan buang unggas mati, musnahkan bangkai unggas dengan cara dibakar atau dikubur pada saat melakukan tindakan ini jangan lupa memakai masker,sarung tangan,sepatu boot, baju lengan panjang, celana panjang dan topi, setelah itu bersihkan badan dan cuci pakaian dengan sabun, bersihkan sepatu, sandal, peralatan, roda atau ban kendaraan sebelum memasuki dan meninggalkan kandang unggas, kandang dikosongkan selama dua minggu sehingga bebas flu burung, dan hanya memperjual, Belikan serta mengangkut unggas yang sehat.
2.2 Pencegahan penyakit flu burung pada Manusia.
Virus H5N1 yang menyebabkan kematian pada manusia jika yang terinfeksi dan tidak mendapat perawatan dengan segera, sebagai mana yang telah terjadi di daerah Kabupaten Jembrana dan Tabanan yang sudah positif terjangkit flu burung tidak mendapat penanganan segera akhirnya meninggal dunia. Supaya jatuh korban flu burung bisa ditekan seminimal munkin perlu diantisipasi dengan langkah – langkah sebagai berikut : cara penularan flu burung pada manusia.
Manusia bisa terinfeksi atau terjangkit virus H5N1 melalui kontak langsung dengan unggas yang telah terinfeksi saat membawa, mengangkut, menyemblih atau memproses unggas atau bisa juga terinfeksi melalui kotoran unggas, makan darah unggas mentah, makan daging atau telur unggas setengah matang.
2.3 Gejala umum dari penyakit flu burung
Gejala flu burung pada manusia mirip dengan gejala flu pada umumnya seperti mendadak mengalami demam tinggi dan berkelanyutan hingga 38 derajat celsius, mengalami sesak nafas, batuk, sakit kepala, terasa ngilu dipersendian lengan, kaki dan punggung dan sakit disekitar mata. Penyakit dapat berkembang dengan cepat dan menimbulkan permasalahan pada pernafasan hingga akhirnya menurunkan kondisi tubuh, perawatan yang terlambat akan mengakibatkan seseorang yang terjangkit flu burung akan meninggal.
2.4 Cara pencegahan penyakit flu burung dari unggas ke manusia
Pada saat ini tidak ada vaksin yang mampu mencegah penyakit ini, jika sudah terjangkit pada manusia penangananya sukar dilakukan. Maka dari itu pencegahan flu burung atau virus H5N1 sangatlah penting dengan cara sebagai berikut melatih diri sendiri dan menjaga kesehatan makanan, cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir setelah kontak dengan unggas dan produk unggas lainya, juga sebelum menyiapkan makanan dan sebelum makan, beli unggas yang sehat, jangan makan darah mentah, daging atau telur unggas setengah matang, jangan menyemblih unggas sakit, janaagan makan unggas mati atau sakit, hindari kontak dengan sumber yang terinfeksi, jangan biarkan anak-anak bermain di dekat kandang, jangan biarakan unggas berkeliaran di dalam rumah, gunakan masker atau sarung tangan saat kontak atau menyemblih unggas, kubur limbah unggas ( bulu, jeroan, dan darah ), mandi dan ganti pakaian dan pakaian yang dipakao kontak dengan unggas dicuci dengan sabun, jika mengalami demam tinggi, sakit pada dada, susah bernafas sakit kepala dan otot terasa ngilu sesudah kontak dengan unggas segera poergi ke rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan perawatan yang tepat atau ke dokter.
2.5 Tindakan Orang yang terinfeksi penyakit flu burung.
Untuk menghindari jatuhnya korban meninggal sebagai akibat terjangkit flu burung dapat dilakukan tindakan sebagai berikut; bawalah segera orang yang menderita demam tinggi ke rumah sakit terdekat, jangan mengobati sendiri, minumlah obat yang diresepkan oleh dokter, hindari kontak yang tak perlu dengan orang yang terinfeksi flu burung, jika harus terjadi kontak gunakan pakaina pelindung. Partisipasi masyarakat untuk mencegah flu burung. Peran serta masyarakat di dalam upaya mencegah terjangkitnya flu burung sangat penting dengan cara berkomunikasi baik pada lingkungan keluarga, tetangga dan warga sekitar mengenai dampak flu burung serta cara-cara pencegahanya jika menyerang unggas dan manusia. Baik melalui pertemuan-pertemuan antar ibu-ibu rumah tangga, pertemuan kelompok, bisa juga melalui selebaran yang disiapkan oleh pemerintah. Kegiatan lainya yang bisa dilakukan diantaranya; menanamkan kepeduliuan terhadap kebersihan lingkunga, beri pengertian kepada masyarakat agar selalu melakukan vaksinasi unggas jika memungkinkan dan selalu waspada, mengamati daan melapor bila ada unggas yang mati mendadak kepada Dinas Peternakan atau ke Dinas Kesehatan jika terjangkit flu burung. Bila sudah ada terjangkit flu burung perlu dilakukan tindakan sebagai berikut; ajari dan sediakan petunjuk pada masyarakat bagaimana cara mencegah flu burung mulai dari penyebaran hingga penularan pada manusia, ingatkan selalu masyarakat agar menjaga kebersihan dan batasi kontak dengan unggas sakit, doronglah masyarakat agar selalu mengikuti petunjuk petugas Dinas Peternakan atau Dinas Kesehatan untuk menangani unggas yang mati, ikut mendeteksi dan melaporkan wilayah terjangkit flu burung pada pihak berwenang, laporkan jika ada menderita demam tinggi setelah melakukan kontak dengan unggas sakit dan bawa segera penderita ke rumah sakit untuk mendapat perawatan, para warga lebih aktif melindungi diri mereka dan keluarganyadari serangan flu burung dengan selalu menyediakan informasi dan petunjuk kemana mereka bisa memproleh bantuan dan selalu hidup bersih dan makan yang cukup bergizi.
Flu burung adalah penyakit akut menular yang disebabkan oleh virus H5N1, flu burung sangat berbahaya karena menyebabkan kematian unggas secara mendadak dan menyebar dengan cepat seperti ayam, itik,angsa,kalkun, burung puyuh, burung-burung liar dan beberapa binatang dapat terkena infeksi flu burung, juga dapat menular pada manusia yang menyebabkan kematian. Virus H5N1 mempunyai karakteristik tersendiri karena dapat bertahan di dalam kerongkongan unggas dan lingkungan seperti air dan tanah dalam waktu beberapa minggu, virus tersebut juga bisa bertahan dalam waktu panjang pada suhu dingin dan virus bisa mati jika makanan dimasak hingga matang.
Bila unggas peliharaan kita tapa ada gejala seketika mati mendadak,hal itu perlu diambil langkah-langkah sebagai berikut laporkan kepada aparat berwenang ada wabah flu terutama ke Dinas Peternakan atau ke dinas kesehatan, jangan buang unggas mati, musnahkan bangkai unggas dengan cara dibakar atau dikubur pada saat melakukan tindakan ini jangan lupa memakai masker,sarung tangan,sepatu boot, baju lengan panjang, celana panjang dan topi, setelah itu bersihkan badan dan cuci pakaian dengan sabun, bersihkan sepatu, sandal, peralatan, roda atau ban kendaraan sebelum memasuki dan meninggalkan kandang unggas, kandang dikosongkan selama dua minggu sehingga bebas flu burung, dan hanya memperjual belikan serta mengangkut unggas yang sehat.
Jumat, 23 November 2012
Inspiring Stories Breeder
call him Agus boy armed with only junior high school because he was
excited about his education when he had to disappear and stop at the
level of junior high because of his father and mother had to split up
because of economic problems and familyAgus, who armed only junior high school education then try their luck to migrate to Jakarta.Agus
then look for a job in order to gain experience and make money like a
friend of a friend sedaerahnya perantauankotaJakartasepertiAgus an educational background in school is only later on accepted as a shopkeeper.Two years went by Agus became a shopkeeper in housing supply store in Coconut gadingJakartautaraTwo
successive agus a hometown during Lebaran he can gather with his father
and brother in the village to meet with relatives during Lebaran.Agus
is a hope that has been supporting his family economically torn between
his father and his mother who eventually lived apartTwo
years into Overseas agus speculate that he is armed with a diploma
junior pocket trying to work hard to meet the expectations of his
one day the father agus agus illness which must be waiting for the
sister of agus also be overseas to earn money as a baby sister, because
agus was the first child and he finally succumbed to his father waiting
in anyway by agus feel that over the past two years as a colony he did not immediately get a result like that is expected.The
house is in tempatinya even more worn and unkempt as his father only
lived alone while remittances from agus just out for living expenses
hard that natural agus, should agus many others that when simply rely
on junior diploma and then to equip themselves looking for a job in
Jakarta, of course, must be recognized, at best, well so shop keepers,
gardeners, office boy or a class which has to be certainly paying just fit to live, and should jikala the role of family in his hometown would certainly not be sufficient.Agus,
who armed only with a junior diploma course impossible to compete
overseas as another friend of a friend from his village who pocketed an
average high school diploma and be able to work in the factory and
company were pretty prestigious company and be able to provide enough
to mention Agus had to share my thoughts to take care of his father,
who was alone in her house is certainly very natural in a dilemma what
finally ventured to menggaduh (maintain the system for the results of
the investors he can just take care and half of the profits), Agus then
menggaduh goats and simplify their mindset to raise Etawa although at
the start with system noise, because Agus yet have the capital to buy a goat.At
the beginning he was concerned with the farm is still too stiff and a
lot of things he had learned in raising venture Etawa but over time he
found his world.It
only took a few hours in the day to take care of their animals, of
course he can still do other work such as taking care of the garden,
etc. The simple he was a farmer and rancher for his daily life.Today
he enjoys today as a rancher and a farmer Etawa, imperceptibly two
years he has really become goat herders who are quite capable in terms
of knowledge in the field of animal husbandry that began Etawa
menggaduh, now fewer than eight goats outside the quota goats
which he used to repair homes and meet their daily lives and
achievements of others now agus been able to buy two-wheeler itself
should the youth in our village for his daily mobility activities.Not
to mention on the other hand has a lot agus have trees such as mahogany
and kekayuan Albasiah he planted selasela she takes care of goats are
also an asset of economic wealth for himself.Agus
is no longer carrying a GED who just graduated from junior high school
to find work, but today he has been able to demonstrate to everyone who
ever abused her life because only qualified junior but still can exist
independently mengidupi for themselves and their families without
relying on an employer or company.Agus
ultimately remain grateful even though he qualified junior, but his
mind is always embedded mind while he was willing to learn and willing
to learn whatever he could to keep abreast of world developments
Technologi or any other science, and he diligently follow the
development of the Internet even started than Face book then venturing into the world of blogging.Two
years later he had become ranchers and farmers is probably not too
visible but jikala segnifikan kesuksesanya we compare with my friends
sedaerahnya who qualified in the junior high he was still able to
gaining him both scientific and socio-economic strata.Life
is for learning and disconnect the chain of poverty of learning because
we do not want to learn jikala aka lazy will eventually become a lazy
fool after fool then becomes unable to continue to be poor and end up
becoming desperate ..... disconnect the chain of learningJunior
high school graduates may be considered secondary education still, but
that is merely a formal diploma, those who do not afford a formal school
course jikala they want to learn still able to follow the progress of
science everywhere.Today
Agus still on the way to be an entrepreneur, and it did not rule Agus
would really be a reliable breeder or a businessman Its great in the
field of animal husbandry and qualified in the fields of animal
husbandry though he only qualified juniorThe story is based on a true story Agus way and aimed to motivate my friends who have dropped out of school in junior high.Agus
is very close to me and almost every day also took time to swim across
cyberspace hopefully he will find a part of his life in the virtual
world as well
Kamis, 22 November 2012
Duck breeders
You want to succeed in business plunge duck farm? Success Dewa Gede Putra Darmada embraced this might be one of your inspiration. Everyone else seems to be able to do because the capital is very minimal and can lead you into a successful breeder ducks.Dewa
Gede Putra is Darmada, youth born in Gianyar, Bali 21 September 1984
are to start a business raising ducks (Bali) since 2009 and has now
managed to reap the success. Dewa
Gede Dewo close calls, say, to be successful this business is not
difficult, the important thing he said a breeder should be happy with
the first duck that has a sense of belonging to a flag with the name of
his business bebek.Sesuai god Duwe meaning God Had Duck Duck, Dewo managed to become a supplier of duck pieces in the Gianyar Bali andsurroundings. Their business just starting capital of Rp 50,000 only."From
the beginning I was happy with the duck, I'm always happy to see the
ducks," said Dewo to detikFinance some time lalu.Dewo who do have a
family pet cutting effort, initially just a fad to buy 10 ducks puppies
for Rp 30,000, and he also buy concentrate for Rp 20,000 to feed.Unexpected
result, pet duck growth rapidly, within 2 months he managed to harvest
the results of his labors for USD 500.000.Semenjak it was, he was more
eager to play the money, which eventually led him to become the supplier
of 1200 ducks per month in Bali with turnover tens of millions per month."Margin dibisnis can harvest ducks once many times," said Dewo which is one of the participant's entrepreneurial Self.He now has 4 pieces each cage with size 4 × 6 meters, where each cage can accommodate 500 ducks. Every two weeks he brought the seeds of Badung Bali, so that he could do the duck harvest once every week.For
matters of the cage, Dewo have tips for those who want to start a
business duck, which usahan put a small pool in the area of the cage
for the purpose of duck bath every day.This is important so that the condition can be kept clean ducks and odorless. Regarding odor, surefire tips Dewo also had the duck cage so as not to disturb the neighbors next door.Condition every morning and afternoon feeding, she mixes papaya sufficiently so dirt duck odorless. Papaya
leaves are also nutritious making duck meat will be more tender when
cooked, although he warned the portions given sufficient because papaya
leaves have a bitter taste is high.Regarding feed the ducks, so far he only rely on duck feeding of food scraps rice restaurant around him that he got for free. In
addition, there should be the most important vegetable mixture can be
obtained from the remains of the market plus mixed gedebong (stem)
dicacak banana that has been boiled."Based on my experience, the duck poultry disease resistance, fed whatever you like. The mortality rate was well below 10%, "he said.To
keep the health of ducks against duck diseases that often afflict such
as flu, Dewo also has powerful tips to treat the ducks from the flu is
to give the batter mix noni leaf duck feed."By my count the cost of production for one to harvest ducks including employees only Rp 14,000," he added.He
also said that raising ducks so tempting, especially in Bali many
people who still breed only odd duck who just sold to collectors. Meanwhile,
he developed the concept of raising ducks is not totally off the duck,
but grounded in large numbers so that the growth rate is very fast."If I directly marketed to consumers such as restaurants, pecel catfish, restaurants, clergy and others," said Dewo.Even the word Dewo, when compared to raise chickens, in terms of price, ducks likely never go down the price is pretty good. Currently
it sells duck varied, for example duck under 1 kg with the age of one
month specifically for catfish sold pecel Rp 25000-30000 per head, aged 2
months sold Rp 35,000, most of which was sold to Rp 60,000 per head for
ages 3 monthsup."Frankly, I am now overwhelmed to serve the request, in the Ubud area only demand 1000 birds per day. I can only supply 100, "said the young graduate S-1 Ranch Campus Marwa god.Through tenacity and seriousness, he is now enjoying a growing business. At
least she has self-built cage worth $ 14 million in his yard, even Dewo
already have a pick-up vehicle itself to sustain its operations.In essence he said cattle business is not difficult, if there is a will certainly be successful. For business capital, he has proven that starting a business is not merely to spend thick."With food waste, we produce high production. Raising not always wear a big budget, "said the young entrepreneur business Mandiri has 6 employees.The market potential duck thinks it is not only in Bali, in many regions, including in Java, there are always opportunities. Demand for the duck dish especially for restaurants continue to rise.Especially
for Bali, duck is also used for food in restaurants, duck goose is
often used as a substitute for the purposes of worship the Hindu priest.
Especially the white duck, which symbolizes the sanctity associated with the god Brahma.
Rabu, 21 November 2012
Sheep fatten the "resignation"
H owned lamb fattening Bunyamin always interested consumers. The key, sheep should look healthy and clean.Cimande
village, Bogor regency, West Java, is now not only known as a shaman
fractures and arts colleges, but also the center for sheep farming. Predicate as sheep farming region came after Haji Bunyamin establish "resignation Farm", a fattening sheep since 1993.Once
inside the mouth Cimande village, any visitors or guests to easily find
the breeders, because the name is so well known Haji Bunyamin by
motorcycle taxi driver who hung in there. Farms pioneered by Haji Bunyamin ranging from small-jecilan, now has developed rapidly. There currently are 1200 sheep, which were placed in five wooden cage. All cages maintained clean, not even the smell of lamb.
Bunyamin used to receive guests in a room where he once worked, which is directly in front of the sheepfold. Guests who visit there come from all walks of life. Students majoring in animal husbandry Padjadjaran University and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), for example, often make Bunyamin farm as an internship. Similarly, employees who retire, as employees of Bank Indonesia and BRI, had come to learn how to raise sheep in preparation effort when retirement arrives.
"But I myself do not have knowledge. I just artisan free-range, "said Bunyamin modestly. Fattened sheep Bunyamin was already known, not only in Bogor but up to Tangerang and Jakarta. Usually the sheep go to a restaurant for soup or satay, and also for sacrifice on Eid-ul-Adha.
For restaurants in the area to highlight Ciawi alone, there are 32 restaurants that offer soup and goat satay. According to a survey conducted Haji Kadir, an owner of the restaurant specialized in providing soup and satay in Cisarua, for the needs of all the restaurants in the region needed 560 sheep per day or 560 tails in a week. The restaurant belongs to Haji Kadir only need eight sheep per day, and that night of the week can be up to 14 individuals.
"In order to met the needs of the restaurant from the market peak Ciawi until I just could not. My intention at only two days a week, "I Bunyamin. Price per kilo lamb Rp 17,500. However, entering the month of Hajj can be increased to Rp 25 thousand per kilogram. At the farmer level, the sheep was calculated kilogram.
Despite 14 years in the sheep fattening, Bunyamin was still not deserve to be called as a successful sheep breeder. For him, a successful farmer one must persayaratannya already own the land, where planting grass lamb as a main dish.For the time being to meet the needs of feed his sheep, Bunyamin still have to find grass to other areas around Cimande. However, during the dry season the location where the grass further away, so that should add to the burden of transportation. At least, in a day, 120 bags of grass should be provided for all the sheep, which were fed twice, morning and afternoon.No wonder if the sheep belong Bunyamin looked healthy. The feathers are not allowed to grow sheep unkempt. When the sheep from residents who bought into the farm, should let clean shaven. Her nails cut regularly. De-worming is also routinely given to clear the contents of his stomach. Because, according to retired civil servants in Bogor District Health Office, almost all residents kept goats definitely worm disease.Sheep healthy and well groomed is a special attraction for consumers. "They will be satisfied with sheep like this," said the man born in Cianjur, West Java, this May 2, 1956. Especially if you see Garut sheep or lamb agile often referred specifically to lamb fights. Price seed alone could reach $ 3 million. In Bunyamin's farm, Garut sheep prices are determined by the "tongkrongannya". That is, if it looks nice and clean Garut lamb prices could reach Rp 15 million.The success Bunyamin wrestle fattening sheep, sheep originated from a hobby to maintain. When it was in 1990, Bunyamin maintain six sheep in his backyard. When the pilgrim arrives Eid, he cut three heads and three tails sell more. Apparently, sales of three tail gives a nice profit, so it occurred to him to carry on the sale of sheep.Finally, in 1993, founded the resignation Bunyamin Farm. To place Bunyamin buy land maintenance in installments, not far from his home is now used as stables and where its employees live 20 people.But despite this success, Bunyamin actually had trauma in the livestock business. The story occurred between 1982 hingga1987, father of a son to open a business broilers. The number of chicken pieces, when it reached 110 thousand heads. Until 1985 his business was a success, so Bunyamin managed to buy two trucks and a pick-up vehicle to transport livestock and other purposes.However, when entering 1986, chicken feed prices began to rise, while the selling price of chicken in the market each harvest plummeted precisely. As a result, production costs are not covered by the income. At the same time he also had to contend with the employer class poultry conglomerate with capital equipment and strong. "Finally I broke," Bunyamin story about his past. Two transport trucks and all, and all farm equipment sold dijual.Bunyamin call it fall or bankruptcy as the "pegged chicken".Still no luck when it Bunyamin no debt. While there his fellow broiler breeders more tragic. According to the story but a different mother, no broiler breeder died suddenly in surprise, and some are having to sell their home and move to a shack that was previously used for raising chickens.Painful experience that makes Bunyamin increasingly wary in choosing the type of livestock to the effort. He was then choosing fattening sheep. Because, he believes, will give him luck sheep. "Because the price is stable," he said optimistically. Hopefully.
Bunyamin used to receive guests in a room where he once worked, which is directly in front of the sheepfold. Guests who visit there come from all walks of life. Students majoring in animal husbandry Padjadjaran University and Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), for example, often make Bunyamin farm as an internship. Similarly, employees who retire, as employees of Bank Indonesia and BRI, had come to learn how to raise sheep in preparation effort when retirement arrives.
"But I myself do not have knowledge. I just artisan free-range, "said Bunyamin modestly. Fattened sheep Bunyamin was already known, not only in Bogor but up to Tangerang and Jakarta. Usually the sheep go to a restaurant for soup or satay, and also for sacrifice on Eid-ul-Adha.
For restaurants in the area to highlight Ciawi alone, there are 32 restaurants that offer soup and goat satay. According to a survey conducted Haji Kadir, an owner of the restaurant specialized in providing soup and satay in Cisarua, for the needs of all the restaurants in the region needed 560 sheep per day or 560 tails in a week. The restaurant belongs to Haji Kadir only need eight sheep per day, and that night of the week can be up to 14 individuals.
"In order to met the needs of the restaurant from the market peak Ciawi until I just could not. My intention at only two days a week, "I Bunyamin. Price per kilo lamb Rp 17,500. However, entering the month of Hajj can be increased to Rp 25 thousand per kilogram. At the farmer level, the sheep was calculated kilogram.
Despite 14 years in the sheep fattening, Bunyamin was still not deserve to be called as a successful sheep breeder. For him, a successful farmer one must persayaratannya already own the land, where planting grass lamb as a main dish.For the time being to meet the needs of feed his sheep, Bunyamin still have to find grass to other areas around Cimande. However, during the dry season the location where the grass further away, so that should add to the burden of transportation. At least, in a day, 120 bags of grass should be provided for all the sheep, which were fed twice, morning and afternoon.No wonder if the sheep belong Bunyamin looked healthy. The feathers are not allowed to grow sheep unkempt. When the sheep from residents who bought into the farm, should let clean shaven. Her nails cut regularly. De-worming is also routinely given to clear the contents of his stomach. Because, according to retired civil servants in Bogor District Health Office, almost all residents kept goats definitely worm disease.Sheep healthy and well groomed is a special attraction for consumers. "They will be satisfied with sheep like this," said the man born in Cianjur, West Java, this May 2, 1956. Especially if you see Garut sheep or lamb agile often referred specifically to lamb fights. Price seed alone could reach $ 3 million. In Bunyamin's farm, Garut sheep prices are determined by the "tongkrongannya". That is, if it looks nice and clean Garut lamb prices could reach Rp 15 million.The success Bunyamin wrestle fattening sheep, sheep originated from a hobby to maintain. When it was in 1990, Bunyamin maintain six sheep in his backyard. When the pilgrim arrives Eid, he cut three heads and three tails sell more. Apparently, sales of three tail gives a nice profit, so it occurred to him to carry on the sale of sheep.Finally, in 1993, founded the resignation Bunyamin Farm. To place Bunyamin buy land maintenance in installments, not far from his home is now used as stables and where its employees live 20 people.But despite this success, Bunyamin actually had trauma in the livestock business. The story occurred between 1982 hingga1987, father of a son to open a business broilers. The number of chicken pieces, when it reached 110 thousand heads. Until 1985 his business was a success, so Bunyamin managed to buy two trucks and a pick-up vehicle to transport livestock and other purposes.However, when entering 1986, chicken feed prices began to rise, while the selling price of chicken in the market each harvest plummeted precisely. As a result, production costs are not covered by the income. At the same time he also had to contend with the employer class poultry conglomerate with capital equipment and strong. "Finally I broke," Bunyamin story about his past. Two transport trucks and all, and all farm equipment sold dijual.Bunyamin call it fall or bankruptcy as the "pegged chicken".Still no luck when it Bunyamin no debt. While there his fellow broiler breeders more tragic. According to the story but a different mother, no broiler breeder died suddenly in surprise, and some are having to sell their home and move to a shack that was previously used for raising chickens.Painful experience that makes Bunyamin increasingly wary in choosing the type of livestock to the effort. He was then choosing fattening sheep. Because, he believes, will give him luck sheep. "Because the price is stable," he said optimistically. Hopefully.
Selasa, 20 November 2012
Stories Cultivation Experience Cuttle Fish Catfish Sangkuriang with Media Outdoor Canopy
Sangkuriang livestock farming catfish is one of the cattle business in the last post I anticipated ( moncer in 2012. As
expected promising business opportunities, livestock sangkuriang
catfish is also considered likely to be many businesses, either as a
side or principal.
Not escape one kompasianer Mas Gilang S Ramdhani also recounted his experience in animal breeding catfish pond tarp sangkuriang media. Although it may be the main objective to empower rural communities, but the story follows sangkuriang catfish farming may be an inspiration business. Please:
Finally confusion chose usahapun land lost because I decided to invest in one of the villages in the district Contribute Banyumas, precisely in the village Karanggintung.
Only with about approximately Rp. 500,000 for making a pool tarp to tarp the size of 5 x 4 m below lelenya fingerlings, which I cultivated oia catfish are catfish types sangkuriang.
Thank God I feel proud, because the original plan to empower local economy desapun already visible from the making of the pond, when the manufacturing stage with some people I empower rural society, such as for bamboo harvesting, soil leveling, transporting organic fertilizers, and so forth.
Currently there are 3 swimming alhamdulilah ready to fill with seeds, but even though the pool is filled with water can not be directly planting seeds, because there is a process of fertilization, to cultivate microorganisms that would be a meal of catfish, catfish because I do use organic techniques , and also conducted the pond liming to neutralize the pH of the water.
For me to run a business is the main capital is not money or anything, but the capital desperate! particularly daring in experience and knowledge, to be honest I was running this business only with google, books, and asked here and there (bodo alewoh).
The next second capital is hard working capital, who said easily run this business? hehehe ... and further capital sure! Degree S. Ramdhani
Not escape one kompasianer Mas Gilang S Ramdhani also recounted his experience in animal breeding catfish pond tarp sangkuriang media. Although it may be the main objective to empower rural communities, but the story follows sangkuriang catfish farming may be an inspiration business. Please:
Finally confusion chose usahapun land lost because I decided to invest in one of the villages in the district Contribute Banyumas, precisely in the village Karanggintung.
Only with about approximately Rp. 500,000 for making a pool tarp to tarp the size of 5 x 4 m below lelenya fingerlings, which I cultivated oia catfish are catfish types sangkuriang.
Thank God I feel proud, because the original plan to empower local economy desapun already visible from the making of the pond, when the manufacturing stage with some people I empower rural society, such as for bamboo harvesting, soil leveling, transporting organic fertilizers, and so forth.
Currently there are 3 swimming alhamdulilah ready to fill with seeds, but even though the pool is filled with water can not be directly planting seeds, because there is a process of fertilization, to cultivate microorganisms that would be a meal of catfish, catfish because I do use organic techniques , and also conducted the pond liming to neutralize the pH of the water.
For me to run a business is the main capital is not money or anything, but the capital desperate! particularly daring in experience and knowledge, to be honest I was running this business only with google, books, and asked here and there (bodo alewoh).
The next second capital is hard working capital, who said easily run this business? hehehe ... and further capital sure! Degree S. Ramdhani
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Sifat kimia dan fisik telur
BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Telur adalah salah satu bahan makanan hewani yang dikonsumsi selain daging, ikan dan susu...
BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Telur adalah salah satu bahan makanan hewani yang dikonsumsi selain daging, ikan dan susu...
H owned lamb fattening Bunyamin always interested consumers. The key, sheep should look healthy and clean. Cimande village, Bogor regency...